The banda larga brasil speed test was made with Anatel (National Telecommunications Agency) and EAQ (Quality Assurance Entity), so web clients in Brazil can test their speed and see whether organizations are conveying the speed that was contracted.
Web administrators are required by Anatel to offer at any rate 80% of the contracted web speed. It is conceivable to gauge the fixed broadband web and furthermore the versatile information of your mobile phone.
BRASIL BANDA LARGA: How accomplishes it work?
The Brasil Banda Larga speed test rushes to perform. You can do it on our site or straightforwardly on the site made by Anatel.
Simply click on the beginning test button, hold up a couple of moments, and the consequence of the speed being gotten and some other data will show up on your screen.
It is additionally conceivable to be a volunteer to play out the speed test conveyed to your home, so the estimation of results is increasingly precise. Administrators Algar Telecom, Cabo, Embratel, GVT, TIM, Live, NET, OI, Sercomtel, Sky Broadband and Vivo are assessed.